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Psychics in Sutherlands Creek, VIC (3331)
So, what is a psychic attack? A psychic attack occurs when a negative energy disturbs the aura of a certain individual. All individuals are surrounded by layers of energy known as the aura. Aside from the individual auras, there are other forces that are surrounding each person. Some are positive forces, while the others are negative forces. When a negative force or a bad force attacks your aura, you may suffer spiritually, mentally, and can suffer physically as well. Sometimes, the negative energies do not just come from our environment. There are some individuals who have negative energies on them and they can direct these intentionally to a person to harm him or her. If you have an enemy who is capable of directing his or her negative energy, he or she might do a psychic attack on you. Sometimes, you are having psychic attack unintentionally due to the wandering negative energies around.

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